Worship Service
- Date: Every Sunday
- Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm
In order to keep everyone safe and healthy please review the following guidelines. As you might imagine things will be very different.
· Our worship service will begin at 10:30 am Sunday morning.
· Please select a pew row that is open. In order to maintain the six foot social distancing guidelines only every third pew will be open.
· If you have any concerns about where to sit please see an usher.
· We will continue to live stream our service to accommodate those who are unable to come to our service. Please take advantage of this if you are sick, traveling, or do not feel comfortable coming in person. We will begin the live stream at approximately 10:30 am. It will not be on Facebook, rather it will be live streamed directly on the New Village Church website- you can find it under the "live stream" tab and this is the direct link: https://www.newvillagechurch.net/live
· *Please arrive 10 minutes early to allow time to adjust to some changes.
· *Please park in every other spot in the parking lot to maintain social distancing.
· *Please bring your own mask, if you forget, we do have a limited number of masks to provide.
· *Please do not congregate in the foyer before, during, or after the service. A safe way to socialize would be in open areas outside the building, maintaining social distancing and wearing face coverings.
· *Please use hand sanitizer before entering the sanctuary it will be available at the entrance to our building on the welcome desk.
· *Please wear your mask while entering and moving around the church. Once you are seated in the sanctuary, you are not required to wear it during service.
· The café area will be closed, no beverages or snacks.
· Children's Church and Nursery will be suspended until further notice. We welcome children to attend with their parents.
· Only our upstairs bathrooms will be open, including our handicap accessible bathroom.
· We will not be handing out paper bulletins or music sheets for our service. The congregation will not be singing out loud during our service, only in our hearts.
· We will not be passing around the offering plate during our service. There will be an offering plate at the entrance to the sanctuary. As you enter, please drop your tithes and offerings there. You may choose to mail in your offerings to our church or give online through our website.
· There may or may not be air conditioning on. Depending on the temperature and need for fresh air ventilation. The sanctuary doors will remain open during the service.
· When the service has concluded, please make your way outside as quickly as possible. In the parking lot you are welcomed to talk, pray, and fellowship with others, using social distancing.
Use common sense. If you don't feel well, have a fever or a cough or even feel uncomfortable gathering together at this time, please stay home and use the live stream service. We understand and so does our Lord. When greeting each other use the recommended distancing guidelines.
If you have questions or concerns please reach out to the church leadership. We are happy to speak with you and explain any of our decisions that were made in order to make you as safe as possible as we reopen our church.