Men's Ministry
The men's ministry exists to provide a "safe place" for adult men 18 years and over to "be themselves", sharing their joys and fears, defeats and victories. We bond with and build up one another by enhancing the bonds of unity among men. We establish spiritual growth through prayer, worship, fellowship and biblical teaching; this empowers men to have a strong spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ. We will equip men for the Christian life so that we become spiritual role models at home, work, in the community and at church.
Basically the heart of our Men’s Ministry here at New Village Church can be summed up by Acts 2:42 “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” These are considered the ordinary means of grace. Ordinary in that any Christian can make use of them so that God can do extraordinary things through them. We believe using these means that God has given us, we can build a growing, healthy, strong presence as the men of New Village. As men we lead the home and church whether we want to or not. The question is not “Will we lead?”, it is “Will we lead well?”