The Gospel

Here at New Village we are all about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The word Gospel is another word for "Good News" and the good news is that "...God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

We hope that after you preview our website you will see that we are people just like you; people who are looking for answers to life's questions. If that is you, we hope to see you soon at one of our services or events. We would love the opportunity to meet you, get to know you and learn how we might best serve you as a local church in the community.

Our ultimate goal is to introduce everyone to Jesus Christ. As Christians we serve as ambassadors of Christ; seeking to introduce people to him through our own lives, as we communicate the good news of what he has done for us. 

In the meantime, we hope you enjoy this multi-media presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ entitled "Two Ways to live." Please click on the following link:

If anything in the "Two Ways to Live" video resonates with you, we hope that you will call us at our church office for more information, visit us at one of our services or come be a part of one of our Growth Groups.